Calendar & Events

Curteis Harlander Memorial Concert Series:

Held Thursday evenings in the Village Park 6:30-8:30 p.m. throughout the summer.

Annual Homecoming Festival:

Typically held on one of the 1st Saturday in October. Beginning with the Copper Wire 5K run, followed by a Homecoming Parade. Crafters fill the Village Park, and a bands perform before and after the parade.

Fireman’s Field Days and Parade:

At Manley field, Oswego Street, parade and fireworks included.

Fire Truck Rides:

Held in October during fire prevention week. Free rides are given to children from the fire station.

Village Park Tree Lighting:

Come join fellow friends and family while we light the Christmas Tree in the Village Park. 

Holiday Stroll/Santa-in-the-Park:

Enjoy an evening in beautiful Camden downtown. Area merchants stay open and welcome shoppers throughout the evening.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Ceremony:

Held the Saturday following St. Patrick’s Day. The large parade includes families groups and floats from all over. An awards ceremony and celebration follow.

Memorial Day Observance and Parade:

Held on Memorial Day. The parade is followed by a memorial ceremony in Freedom Park.